Woolly Mammoth Debate

The woolly mammoth is an extinct mammal that lived thousands of years ago. Scientist are wanting to put cells of  a woolly mammoth in the body of a female elephant so the elephant will have a baby woolly mammoth. I don’t think that they should clone one because of the cost and how they behave. We could use the money to cure cancer and help the people in need. Where would we keep a woolly mammoth, a zoo? No. Some people are saying that they should bring them back maybe because they have never seen one. I really don’t want to see one because they are really just big hairy elephants. Please leave a comment and tell me what you think.  🙂

Black-Eyed Susan

The Black-Eyed Susan is a wildflower that grows in the eastern part of the US. The Back-Eyed Susan can grow up to 2 to 3 feet. It has a brown dot that is surrounded by bright yellow petals. Another name for the Black-Eyed Susan is Asteraceae. The flower grows between June through August. The type of soil it grows in is top soil and it likes to be in the sun. The best place to plant, is on the road side. An interisting fact about it is, it is the most common wildflower in the US. I think the Black-Eyed Susan is a fasinating wildflower.